How to Make Your Next Website Better.

How to Make Your Next Website Better.

Today, building a website requires more than just writing HTML and CSS, there are other concepts to be considered. I have been able to group these concepts into three main sections. You can consider them the three pillars to write good HTML and CSS and build a good website.

These pillars include:

  • Responsive Design

  • Maintainable and scalable code

  • Web performance.

Responsive web design (RWD): This is a web development approach that creates dynamic changes to the appearance of a website, depending on the screen size and orientation of the device used to view it. One website that works beautifully on all screen devices. In Responsive design, factors to consider include:

  • Fluid layout: A fluid layout is a type of webpage design in which the layout of the page resizes as the window size is changed.

  • Media query: A media query is an HTML/CSS functionality that allows the content of a Web page to adapt to the type of media that the page is being rendered in, such as a computer screen or that of a phone or tablet.

  • Responsive Images: A responsive image is one whose size responds to changes in screen resolution.

  • Correct Units: Using a mix of ems for font-sizes and percentages for spacing are considered best practices.

Maintainable and Scalable code: This involves writing a code that is clean, easy to understand, supports future growth, and above reusable for you as well as other developers that take your project in the future. For this reason, we need to care and think about our CSS Architecture. Factors to consider are:

  • Your code should be clean. Make your code readable for everyone. Use meaningful class names.

  • Your code should be easy to understand.

  • Your code should be reusable.

  • File organization is important, organize your files for easy accessibility.

  • Structure your HTML correctly.

Web performance is making your website faster and smaller so that the user has to download fewer data. It is also how long a site takes to load, becomes interactive, responsive, and how smooth the content is during user interactions. Factors to consider include :

  • Mind what resources you send to users: An effective method of building high-performance applications is to analyze what resources you send to users.

  • Mind how you send resources: Efficient delivery is key to building fast user experiences.

  • Mind how much data you send.

To read more on web performance, check out this link

These three concepts put together make up a good website. Always keep them in mind anytime you want to build a website.

Thank you for reading.